Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mark 15, Part 1

Scripture: Mark 15:1-32

Observation: Jesus is taken to be crucified. He is savagely beaten; the scourging would have been a beating with a whip that had multiple strips of leather, with pieces of bone and metal attached. These would rip His skin to shreds. Then they placed a crown of thorns on His head. The thorns were probably about 1" long. Yet when Jesus is offered wine with myrrh to deaden the pain, He refuses it.

Application: Jesus knew what He needed to suffer for humanity. He could have accepted the anaesthetic, yet He chose instead to feel all the pain in His own skin. That shows His great love for humanity. He was willing to suffer, and suffer consciously, to redeem us.

Prayer: Lord, may I never, ever, take for granted the pain and sacrifice You suffered for me. You were beaten, humiliated, and murdered, though there was no valid accusation against You. All this, for us. Thank You for Your great love. If it weren't for this horrific death, I wouldn't have life in You. It was a high price You paid. May my life always honor You, because You alone deserve my honor and praise. In Your Glorious Name I pray, Amen.

Mark 14, Part 2

Scripture: Mark 14:43-72

Observation: Jesus is arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin. The Jewish leaders had nothing to condemn Him with, so they brought in false witnesses to accuse Him. Interestingly, Jesus said nothing and let them make these false accusations, which contradicted them over and over. He finally answered when directly asked if He was the Messiah, and because He answered yes, was condemned to death.

Application: There are times when we must speak, and times to be quiet, to be still and let God take care of everything. Jesus didn't need to answer His accusers; the disparity of their accusations proved them false. When we are accused, it's best to allow the circumstances to speak for themselves and not try to justify ourselves.

Prayer: Father, I want to always follow the examples of my Teacher, Christ. When it's best for me to be quiet, keep me from speaking and let Your answer reign supreme. I don't need to justify Your answers or decisions; I just need to obey my Sovereign God who knows better than me what is right for my life. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mark 14, Part 1

Scripture: Mark 14:1-42

Observation: The last supper before His death. Jesus observes the Passover with His disciples, then once Judas leaves He institues a new observance, for a new covenant. Instead of a Passover lamb, the lamb would be Jesus, who takes away the sin of the world. The bread represents His body, broken for our sins, and the wine represents the blood shed to cleanse us. Jesus was willing to die for our sins, but He knew it wouldn't be pleasant. He was agitated at the thought of what was to come, yet He gave Himself over to His Father's will.

Application: Not everything God calls us to do is easy or pleasant. But He will not ask us to do anything frivolously. There is a purpose for everything. When we obey God, even if we suffer we know what awaits is bigger and better than we can imagine.

Prayer: Father, Your will must be done. It won't always be easy. Your Word promises that we will have tribulation. But I know that You can and will get me through any troubles I face. Give me Your reassurance so that I may feel Your presence and stay faithful to You in good times and bad. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Mark 13

Scripture: Mark chapter 13

Observation: Signs of the end times. Jesus tells His disciples some of the signs they would see prior to the end of the age. Each time He said this would indicate only the beginning (verses 7, 8). The times would get worse, and with the rise of the abomination of desolation would come tribulation, but Jesus promised to come in the clouds for His followers.

Application: Though Jesus gives signs, He never says the exact time of His coming (verse 32). Instead, He encourages us to be prepared, keep awake, remain vigilant. Live life as though Jesus is coming today. This way we will always be alert.

Prayer: Father, that is my desire, to be alert and awaiting the day You promised would come, the end of the age. Lord Jesus, I don't know when You're coming, but that's okay. I'm confident You are coming, and I await that holy day. Keep me in Your Word and in Your presence, that my mind and heart are always focused on Your imminent return, so that I never fall away from Your truth and Your will for my life. In Your Precious Name I pray, Amen.

Mark 12

Scripture: Mark chapter 12

Observation: The scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees all tried to trick Jesus into saying something that could get Him arrested. In the end Jesus' answers left them speechless, because He answered wisely from the Scriptures.

Application: To defend our faith, it's important, imperative really, to know what Scripture says. Otherwise we can be easily fooled into false doctrine and false beliefs, because we don't know what the Bible teaches.

Prayer: Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Yet the lamp does me no good if it's always shut. Keep me in Your Word; give me knowledge and wisdom to understand and apply Your teachings, and to help others understand it also. Let Your Word be my guide, my manual for living. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mark 11

Scripture: Mark chapter 11

Observation: Jesus enters Jerusalem as had been foretold in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel. He defends the temple, angered that it has become a "den of thieves". Here also Jesus curses the fig tree which produces no fruit, and tells His disciples to pray with faith to receive.

Application: The fig tree is symbolic of Israel. The Jews were not producing fruit and therefore would meet judgment. Christians must also produce fruit or we wither away. To keep this from happening we need prayer. An intimate relationship with God will keep us alive and bearing good fruit.

Prayer: Father, it is my desire to produce fruit that glorifies You. I know I don't always do this. I realize I'm a work in process, and that only with Your help and Your blessing can I progress to be the person You want me to be. Holy Spirit, please continue to work in my life, and give me a receptive heart that desires only to please You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Mark 10, Part 2

Scripture: Mark 10:32-52

Observation: Who is greatest in the Kingdom? James and John wanted a position of power, over the other apostles. Jesus made clear that they were to be different from the religious leaders of the time. They were to be servants of each other and of those around them if they wanted to become great, just as Jesus Himself came to serve.

Application: How much importance do I give to myself? Yes, it's true that I'm a child of the Almighty. Yes, Jesus died for my sins and I have forgiveness because of His sacrifice. But that gift is available to all, not just me. I need to recognize that God created me for His glory and His pleasure. Rather than seeking my own pleasure, I need to focus on pleasing my Lord. The rest will come from my dedication to Him.

Prayer: Father, nurture in me a humble heart, a servant's heart. Don't let pride come into my heart, but instead change my heart so that I put the needs of others before my own. Teach me to love others as You love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Mark 10, Part 1

Scripture: Mark 10:1-31

Observation: Jesus makes clear it is not God's will that people divorce. Marriage is very serious to Him. Jesus also teaches what is required to enter the Kingdom: to receive it as a child, and to give up all we have for His sake and for the Kingdom's sake. This makes entering the Kingdom difficult for many.

Application: Loyalty is extremely important to God. Whether it's loyalty to Him, as in giving up our own comfort for the Kingdom, or loyalty in our earthly relationships, such as marriage, we need to keep ourselves faithful to God and His teachings.

Prayer: Father, You have modeled faithfulness to us, because You are always faithful. To imitate You I need to be faithful also. Keep my heart pure, that I may be loyal to You, to my husband, to my family, friends, and all those around me, so that I may be a good witness of your mercy and grace. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Mark 9, Part 2

Scripture: Mark 9:30-50

Observation: Teaching humility. Jesus tells His disciples they must be humble as children and servants to one another. He also tells them to tear temptation away from themselves. If their hand, foot or eye causes them to sin, it's better to cut off that member than be thrown into hell.

Application: Our body parts are not the problem here. God made us, and we are beautifully and wonderfully made. What Jesus is saying is that there are things that, while not being bad in themselves, can cause some of us to sin. Alcohol may not affect some as much as others, so if alcohol is a problem, it should be avoided altogether. TV has good programs, but if it's taking away from study time, then it's detrimental.

Prayer: Father, You have blessed me with many great things. I never want to become a slave to any of them. If something is taking Your place in my life, or I'm taking away time from You to dedicate to something else, show me Father, so that I can get my priorities straight once more. Let nothing in my life interfere with my love and time dedicated to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mark 9, Part 1

Scripture: Mark 9:1-29

Observation: First, the Transfiguration. Jesus appears to Peter, James and John transfigured, transformed, and they see Elijah and Moses before them. Then they hear the voice of God confirming Jesus to be the Christ. Next, verses 14-29 are about the boy with the evil spirit. The disciples are unable to cast out the demon. Only Jesus could do it, because this type of demon required prayer and fasting. The father of the young man asks Jesus to help his unbelief.

Application: We don't have to literally hear the voice of God to believe in Jesus; we can hear Him through His Word. There are times we question our faith; it's then we can ask Jesus to help our unbelief. Lastly, there are issues in our lives we can't tackle on our own. We need to rely on God thru prayer and fasting.

Prayer: Father, thank You for revealing Jesus to me through Your Word. There were many times, and sometimes still, that I don't understand all Your Word says. Help me to trust and believe under all circumstances. And when I'm unsure, hear my prayers and give me assurance. I know You hear my prayers and You answer them at the right time. Thank you for listening to me. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Mark 8

Scripture: Mark chapter 8

Observation: The Pharisees demand a sign from heaven to test Him, but Jesus refuses. He knows the hardness of their hearts, that they wouldn't believe in Him anyway. When Jesus warns His disciples of the yeast of the Pharisees, they don't get it. Like the blind man Jesus heals, who at first can't see clearly, the disciples read and heard Jesus teach but did not get it. Yet of one thing they were certain: Jesus was truly the Messiah, the Son of God (verse 29).

Application: Many times we read the Scriptures, and at first glance we don't get their meaning. It takes reading a few times before the Holy Spirit reveals their true significance. That's okay. It means we need to always read and study Scripture. The most important thing is that we recognize who Jesus is, the Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer.

Prayer: Father, each day You reveal something new to me in Your Word. You teach me and show me Your will in stages, so that I can understand. Please nurture that desire to learn and don't let me stray from Your Word. It's the only thing perfect in this world, and what keeps me focused on You. In Christ, Amen.

Mark 7

Scripture: Mark chapter 7

Observation: Jesus is questioned by the Pharisees because the disciples were not adhering to Jewish tradition. Jesus calls them hypocrites for this, because their traditions invalidate God's laws. He uses the example of Corban, which allowed men to dishonor their parents by not providing for them financially, using the excuse that their possessions were dedicated to God. Jesus made clear it's what comes out of a person that defiles, the wicked desires of the heart.

Application: God's word is complete. Nothing needs to be added to it. Anything that takes us away from God's word into human ideas is not of God and therefore dangerous to our spiritual health.

Prayer: Father, You have lovingly and graciously provided Your Word to guide us, teach us, reprove and train us. There is nothing missing from Your perfect Word. May I always study it with passion, and live my life by Your teachings, not those made up by men claiming to be Your mouthpiece. Your Word is above all. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mark 6, Part 2

Scripture: Mark 6:30-56

Observation: Jesus feeds the 5,000 and walks on water. Later, as He is recognized, the people come with their sick to be healed. Wherever Jesus went the crowds followed. They were desperate to reach out to Him, if only to touch the fringe of His cloak as the bleeding woman had. Yet verse 46 says that after a very busy day, Jesus went up on the mountain to pray. No matter how busy He was, He always made time to pray.

Application: We live in a busy society. There's always much to do and little time in which to do it. Jesus' ministry only lasted 3 1/2 years. There was much to be done in this time, yet He always made time to pray. Do I?

Prayer: Father, I've allowed myself to get overwhelmed with business, things to do and get done. I don't make the time to sit and listen to Your voice. My prayers have gotten short and sweet, but without a lot of meaning. Forgive me for disregarding this important part of my life. If I don't sit and communicate with You, my life will become empty. I need to get my priorities straight once more. Thank You for Your understanding and grace. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Mark 6, Part 1

Scripture: Mark 6:1-29

Observation: Jesus begins His peaching work in Nazareth, where He is rejected. He then commissions His disciples to go out in pairs to spread the Gospel. As He begins His ministry, people compare Him to John the Baptist, Elijah, and the prophets. Even Herod believes Jesus to be John the Baptist whom he'd ordered beheaded at the request of his wife and stepdaughter.

Application: I noticed immediately in verses 7-9 the instructions given by Jesus to preach. The disciples were to take nothing with them. They were told to take "no bag", a beggars bag for collecting money. The Gospel was to be taken to the people for the glory of God, not the benefit of the disciples.

Prayer: Father, my human tendency tells me to seek what is best for me. But Your Word teaches me to seek the Kingdom and Your will in my life (Matthew 6:33). Teach me to focus on glorifying You rather than seeking my own pleasure and benefit, knowing that You'll take care of me if I put You first in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Mark 5

Scripture: Mark chapter 5

Observation: There are 3 miracles spoken of here: Jesus orders a legion of demons out of a man, Jairus' daughter is raised from the dead, and the bleeding woman who was healed. This woman had suffered 12 years with constant hemorraging, yet she believed Jesus could heal her if she just reached out and touched His garment. Jesus told her it was her faith that healed her. He stopped to recognize and bless her.

Application: Though Jesus was on His way to see Jairus' daughter, He stopped to see about this bleeding woman. Jesus is never too busy to stop and listen to us, and to care for our needs. Even if it means waiting (this woman waited 12 years), Jesus will stop and tend to each one of us.

Prayer: Father, You are so faithful. You are never too busy to listen to my prayers and see to my needs. I know how much You care about me; teach me to also be caring towards others. Show me how to be compassionate as You are, and to help those in need. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Mark 4

Scripture: Mark chapter 4

Observation: Jesus spoke to His disciples and to all the people in parables. Verse 34 says He always spoke in parables, but He only explained the parables to His disciples in private.

Application: Not everyone who reads the Word will understand it. The parable of the seeds tells us the Word would be spread but not all who received it would produce fruit. It's all dependent upon the condition of our hearts. Do I have a heart for God, true faith in His Word and a true belief in His death and resurrection? If not, all my Bible reading is in vain.

Prayer: Father, I believe in You. I believe You created all things, myself included, and You alone deserve the glory. I believe Jesus left heaven to die for me on the cross. I believe Your Word to be true, to be alive, and to be relevant to my life. Please show me Your will for my life through Your Word. I can question a thousand men, but I will not doubt Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Mark 3

Scripture: Mark chapter 3

Observation: Many came seeking Jesus, much more than a home could handle, crowds of people. At this time Jesus selects His 12 apostles and begins sending them out to teach what He has taught them and perform miracles. This was not a one-man ministry. Jesus prepared His disciples to continue the work He'd started.

Application: Mentoring is an important part of ministry. We can learn much from the Word, but we can do much by teaching to others and preparing them to defend their faith. This way we can all be missionaries.

Prayer: Father, help me to be a light not only to the world but also to other believers. Guide me to help those who want more from their spiritual walk. Use me in my women's group to share what You've given me, for the Glory of the Kingdom. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mark 2

Scripture: Mark chapter 2

Observation: The scribes and Pharisees were watching Jesus' every move and questioning all He did or didn't do. They complained because He spoke to sinners, they questioned why He wasn't fasting, and they accused Him of doing what was unlawful on the Sabbath. Jesus always had an answer for them, but they continued their nitpicking.

Application: There will always be people who refuse to accept the Gospel, and instead try to tear it down by picking it apart. Jesus didn't let these negative people stop His mission; neither can I.

Prayer: Father, the only one I need to please is You. There will always be people who find fault in me, in Christians, in the church and in my faith. Don't allow those negative remarks to bring me down. Instead Lord, give me the words to answer them wisely, then the strength to walk away, praising You. Let me be a blessing to those who are watching me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Mark 1

Scripture: Mark chapter 1

Observation: Jesus' ministry begins. Mark shows that Jesus didn't waste any time. There was a message that needed to be spread, and He went right to work. He taught, He healed, He traveled. His ministry was one of action, not just words.

Application: We are all called to be ministers, and to be involved in ministry. But is that ministry in action? Who am I reaching out to, and how? Do I have time to waste? No - time is of the essence. The message needs to be spread.

Prayer: Father, Your Word tells me the time is near. This world will not continue much longer. Jesus is coming soon - how do I proclaim this to everyone? Is it enough to just live a Christian life and hope someone will want to imitate me? Please show me how to spread the Gospel. Take away any fear or shyness, and give me words to speak Your truth to everyone I come in contact with. Help me be a light for Your word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.