Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Luke 12, Part 3

Scripture: Luke 12:35-48

Observation: Jesus warns His disciples to be ready and waiting for His return. He doesn't tell them when that return will be, if the wait will be long or short. He simply tells them to be ready, because that return will be when least expected, and the slave who is faithful and prudent will be blessed. The slave who is unfaithful will receive a severe beating.

Application: We hope and await Jesus' return, though we still don't know when it will be. People have tried to pinpoint the day, yet have repeatedly been proven wrong. Ours is not to know the day but to remain faithful. Since it's unknown when that day will come upon us, we are to live as though it's today, doing the work that the Master entrusted to us.

Prayer: Father, I've no doubt Jesus will return, because He promised it. Am I ready for His arrival? I want to always be focused on You and Your will, not concerned with the day and time, but concerned instead with my actions, my thoughts, whether these are in keeping with Your plan for my life. Help me to keep my focus on the eternal, on Your kingdom, and not on the temporary. Help me to keep my eyes on You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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