Monday, April 18, 2011

John 16, Part 3

Scripture: John 16:16-21

Observation: Jesus told His disciples about a time of mourning, of upcoming trials and persecution. Now He is telling them this will only be for a little while, and then they will experience joy. The disciples begin to question amongst themselves what Jesus' words mean. They realize this message is important, but they're confused about Jesus going away for a little while and coming back for a little while. Jesus explains there will be mourning (as in a death ) and worldwide rejoicing (in the belief that their enemy is gone), but this grief will be short-lived and will be turned into joy. Jesus uses the pains of labor and childbirth as a picture of what they will experience. After great pain and suffering, the birth of a child makes a woman forget her anguish. So will the disciples also experience the joy of new life.

Application: What a beautiful promise to read and absorb during Holy Week! Jesus is explaining something profound that His disciples can't yet understand. But we know what He's talking about: His death and resurrection. Like labor pains, which at the moment seem to last forever, the suffering is short and the prize enough to make us forget. Even this life we lead now is short compared to eternity. Any suffering we go through now is worth the eternal gift of salvation, thanks to our Savior.

Prayer: Father, these are words I need to meditate on this day that starts Holy Week. Knowing what was coming You promised joy in the end. And what great joy it is! Our Savior is Risen, He is Alive! We have great hope because of this. I pray that I will remember these words in times of trouble and anguish. Anything we experience now is short-lived. I need to trust in Your promise and not sweat the little things. You are in control. Thank You Father for the greatest gift of all - salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is in His name I pray, Amen.

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