Saturday, April 21, 2012

Genesis 6

Scripture:  Genesis chapter 6

Observation:  Mankind had become so wicked, so corrupt, so far from God's will, that He was grieved in His heart and sorry He'd ever put them on earth.  His only consolation was Noah.  Noah was the only righteous man on earth.  For this reason God chose to establish a covenant with Noah and save him from the impending doom of mankind.

Application:  It must have been difficult to be the only person on the entire earth serving God.  How many times haven't I felt like there is so much evil in the world and so few who wish to follow Jesus, but Noah was alone on earth serving the Lord.  Because of his faithfulness, and because he didn't fear being different, Noah and his family were blessed.  It shows that one person can make a difference if he chooses to stand up for what is right and lets nothing deter him from God's calling.

Prayer:  Lord, there is much in this world that can be a discouragement.  As I read about what was going on in Noah's time, I see so many similarities:  evil, corruption, "every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts continually evil" (v.5), and I realize, if Noah could be faithful under those circumstances, so can I!  But I have to choose to be faithful and walk with You.  I cannot let this world entice me with its attractions which are temporary, but instead I must seek that which is eternal.  Holy Spirit, help me to keep every inclination of the thoughts of my heart on what is good, and pure, and noble, and of good report, that I may be pleasing to my Lord and my God.  In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

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