Monday, May 28, 2012

Genesis 25

Scripture:  Genesis chapter 25

Observation:  Abraham remarries and has 6 sons, but he leaves all his possessions to his son Isaac, the son of the promise.  Abraham dies at 175 years of age.  Isaac marries Rebekah at age 40, but Rebekah has no children.  Isaac prays to the Lord, and Rebekah is blessed with twins!  God tells Rebekah, before the babies are born, that she carries two nations, one which will be stronger than the other, and the elder will serve the younger.  Esau and Jacob are born, Esau being favored by his father because he is a hunter, and Jacob, who is a homebody, is his mother's favorite.  Esau shows his disregard for what is important when he sells his birthright to his younger brother Jacob for a plate of lentil soup.

Application:  I asked my son if he would be willing to give his sister everything he owns now and everything he will ever own in the future for a plate of food.  My 12 year old is at that age when he's devouring everything in sight and is still hungry, yet he recognized this kind of deal was no deal at all.  Yet that is what Esau agreed to when he sold his birthright to his brother.  He showed contempt for all his father had for him because he was only concerned with the moment.  My Heavenly Father blesses me with much, and promises to be with me and care for me all the days of my life.  Still, there are moments when all I care about is the here and now, and I forget that God has a plan for my life which includes trials but ultimately eternal life.  He sees the big picture, and I need to trust Him when I can't see past what's in front of my face.

Prayer:  Father, Your ways are much higher than my ways, Your thoughts higher than my own.  I act like a child sometimes, wanting You to act on my behalf immediately, forgetting Who is in charge.  Help me to remember that my future is not here, that this life is temporary.  You assured me there would be troubles; help me to appreciate the difficulties for what they are - character and faith builders.  Teach me to wait on You instead of running ahead trying to fix things my way.  Thank You for always being by my side and for lighting my way.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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