Sunday, September 2, 2012

Genesis 42

Scripture:  Genesis 42:25 - 38

Observation:  When Joseph's brothers arrive back in Canaan with the food they'd bought in Egypt, they're surprised to find their money back in their sacks.  Joseph had commanded their money be returned to them, but his brothers thought they were in deep trouble.  They then have to tell their father Jacob what has happened with Simeon and what they need to do to bring him home.  Jacob is miserable; he has already lost Joseph and Simeon, and now he's in danger of losing Benjamin.  He feels that everything is against him.  Reuben promises to take Benjamin to Egypt himself, and if he doesn't return with his youngest brother, his father may put to death his own 2 sons, but Jacob is adamant.  He will not allow Benjamin to leave.  The sorrow if anything happened to his son would be too great and he would die.

Application:  Jacob and his sons saw everything that was happening to them as bad.  Money returned meant they'd be treated as thieves.  A son in jail and another son requested made Jacob think everything against him.  Yet it was all quite the contrary - God was working everything out behind the scenes, for their good.  The same happens in our everyday lives.  Too many times my circumstances seem dire, and I'm so focused on my troubles that I forget God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).  No matter what is happening in my life right now, no matter how bad it all looks, God can turn it all around faster than I can say Praise the Lord!

Prayer:  Father, my life is certainly not perfect.  Things don't always go the way I think they should, or expected them to.  But I have faith in You, Lord, and I know that You are with me always as You promised, so no matter what my circumstances are You are in control.  I put my sorrows and my troubles at the foot of the cross, and await Your reply to my prayers as You work behind the scenes for my good.  In Christ Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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