Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Genesis 19

Scripture:  Genesis 19:30-38

Observation:  Once Lot realizes that Zoar is not a desirable place to live (he's actually afraid to be there), he leaves for the mountains with his 2 daughters to dwell in a cave.  The daughters lost their fiances when they left Sodom, and the eldest daughter now panics at the thought of never having a husband and children.  The eldest devises a plan to get their father drunk and sleep with him to get pregnant.  The plan worked; Lot was so drunk he didn't even know what happened, and both his daughters bore him sons:  the eldest named her son Moab, and he became the father of the Moabites.  The youngest named her son Ben-Ammi, from whom the Ammonites descended.

Application:  Explaining these verses to a 12 year old isn't easy, but there were 2 definite lessons to be taken from it.  One, when we take matters into our own hands we will always sin.  That is in our nature.  If we don't follow God's plan, the consequences can be devastating for a long time.  Lot's daughters became so desperate to have children they didn't think of what the results could be.  The Moabites and the Ammonites eventually became enemies of the Israelites.

Second, Lot could have avoided the entire situation if he'd been in control of himself.  Lot never should have allowed himself to get drunk.  In his right mind he would not have committed this sin; his daughters knew this, which is why they got him drunk.  And not just mildly drunk - Scripture says he was so drunk he didn't even know when they came to him or when they left (v.33, 35).  There's a reason why God warns against drunkenness.  Self-control is needed to obey God in all things.

Prayer:  Father, so many lessons can be learned from Lot, who was a righteous man but made some serious mistakes.  Knowing You and knowing Scripture isn't enough if we aren't putting what we know into practice.  Lord, bring to mind those Scriptures You've taught me when I'm deviating from Your will, so that I can avoid the pitfalls that Lot and his family fell into.  I want to live a life that honors You, and that can only be done with Your Holy Spirit's guidance and obedience.  Thank You Father for Your teachings and Your Word.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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