Tuesday, February 9, 2010

John 10, Part 4

Scripture: John 10:19-21

Observation: There is division among the Jews because of Jesus' teachings. Some believe Him to be mad, as a result of being demon-possessed. Others see Him and say it is not possible - one who is possessed by demons doesn't speak like Jesus does, nor can a demon heal the blind.

Application: All who were present were seeing and hearing the same things, yet arriving at different conclusions. All saw the man, blind from birth, receive his sight, but each attributed the miracle to whom they wanted. Many Pharisees were already against Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath and spoke against them, therefore anything He did or said they shrugged off as coming from demons. But the more open-minded saw things in a clearer light; they realized these miracles could only proceed from God. We become frustrated when we speak to people about Jesus but they refuse to listen. We must understand that many are predisposed, by prior teachings or life experiences, to think a certain way. Jesus never gave up His preaching ministry. Till the end He gave them all a chance to repent. We must see everyone in the same light.

Prayer: Father, I understand what it's like to believe something wholeheartedly and not want to accept its falsehood though it's as plain as the nose on my face. I must be patient with those who still don't see You for who You are. You gave me time to accept Your truths and You'll do the same for all. Thank You for the work You've done and continue to do in me. In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

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