Friday, February 12, 2010

John 11, Part 1

Scripture: John 11:1-16

Observation: After Jesus had left Judea, He received a message from His friends Mary and Martha, advising that their brother Lazarus whom Jesus loved, was ill (v.3). Interestingly, they don't demand that He come or tell Him to do something. They know what He can do for them, and leave in His hands how or what He will do. Jesus did not go running to see Lazarus; instead He said this sickness would bring God glory (v.4). Jesus loved Lazarus, yet He stayed 2 days longer where He was, knowing that the wait would bring a much greater blessing. When the 2 days were up, Jesus told His disciples that they would head back to Judea. Alarmed, they reminded Him that in Judea a stoning awaited, as the Jews were intent on killing Him. Jesus told them there was no need to fear if they walked in the daylight (see Psalm 27:1). He told them they must go to Judea because Lazarus had fallen asleep (v.11). Again they misunderstood, and Jesus needed to explain to them that Lazarus was dead and they had to go to him. Thomas, with incredible faith, told the others to join Jesus, and die with Him (v.16), knowing that by going into Judea they would be facing danger.

Application: The first part of this story teaches us to wait on God even when we don't understand the delay. Jesus could have dropped everything and gone to see Lazarus. He could have healed him from as far as He was. But God would not have been glorified to the same magnitude, and their faith would not have been stretched as far. In the end we see Jesus' motive for delay was in glorifying the Father, and like Thomas we should be ready to go and die with Him no matter the danger.

Prayer: Father, You know my impatience, my desire to have things done how I want and when I want. Yet I know when You are in control the blessings are greater. I want to follow You wherever You lead, and trust in You no matter what lies ahead. Only You can get me through life's storms. Thank You for teaching me to wait on You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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