Friday, April 23, 2010

John 13 Part 3

Scripture: John 13:31-35

Observation: Jesus says farewell to His disciples. Once Judas has left, Jesus proclaims He has been glorified and God glorified in Him (v.31). This manifestation of glory will be seen shortly, in the ultimate love sacrifice. Jesus tells His disciples that He will only be with them a short while longer, and they cannot follow Him (v.33). He then gives them a new commandment: to love one another. "By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."(v.35). It isn't that the Jewish people did not know love; they had always been taught to love. What they didn't have was a way to enter into a relationship with the Father, that would now be made possible through Jesus' sacrificial love. In this same way the disciples were to love one another, the way Jesus had loved them. This love would serve as testimony of Jesus' love, and would serve as proof that the Father sent the Son.

Application: This is the love we look for in the church today. If there is no love in a church, we leave, because it isn't what we're looking for. But why can't it start with me? If I want to find love in the church, I must be willing to love. If I want to find forgiveness in the church, I must be willing to forgive. If I want to have godly friends, I need to be a godly woman. I cannot ask others to be something I'm not. Jesus' command applies to me first.

Prayer: Father, many times I look for Your qualities in others but forget to look in the mirror. How can I demand of others? It isn't my place to examine the rest of the world; I need to examine my own behavior in light of Your Word, and I need to be loving to all because You commanded it. Erase any excuses from my mind and my heart, and replace them with a love like Yours. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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