Friday, April 30, 2010

John 14, Part 2

Scripture: John 14:8-14

Observation: Philip makes a request similar to the one Moses had made centures before: "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied." (v.8, see also Exodus 33:18). Philip understands Jesus has the ability to do this, since he has been with Jesus and sees the closeness Jesus has with the Father. What he hasn't yet appreciated is Jesus' true identity. Jesus tells Philip, "Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father." (v.9). This goes beyond the union that Philip and the other disciples see. "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does His works" (v.10). There is an indwelling of the Father showing their closeness, their oneness, while still keeping each distinct from one another. This is something none of them could see with their physical eyes; they must have faith. That is why Jesus tells them to believe in Him, based on His words or on His miracles (v.11). Jesus promises that all who believe in Him will do even greater works than He did, and that anything asked for in His name will be given, to the glory of the Father.

Application: How can it be possible to do greater things than Jesus did? Because it is through Him that they are done. Through His death and resurrection we receive forgiveness of sin, and by accepting our need for a Savior and giving our lives to Him we receive the Holy Spirit, to guide us, counsel us, comfort us. Apart from Jesus these greater things could not be done. It is not for our glory that we show this faith and do these things, but for the glory of God the Father. Jesus works in us and through us so that the Father may be glorified.

Prayer: What greater desire can I have, Lord, than for my life to be used for Your glory? That's what You created me for, that is my purpose on this earth. May my life be a blessing to You and to all those around me. May You be glorified, and may Your Holy Name be praised. It is in Your precious Name I pray, Amen.

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