Monday, May 2, 2011

John 16, Part 5

Scripture: John 16:29-33

Observation: Jesus' disciples now affirm their faith (v.29-30). They believe He has come from God, and they think they fully understand Him. But there's more to come that they aren't aware of. Their faith will be further tested in the coming days, and they will scatter, leaving Him (v.32). Still, Jesus doesn't end on a negative note. He tells them there will be troubles, trials, persecution, but also gives them hope, as He Himself has overcome the world.

Application: Plenty of times I think I understand the Lord and what He's doing, only to be amazed at what He continues to reveal to me. The disciples thought they had Jesus all figured out, but the greatest miracle was yet to come. Jesus did give them one comforting word, that He was giving them His peace. Even in the darkest hours, even during the most confusing times, we can be assured of Christ's peace and that He has overcome the world.

Prayer: Father, I don't know everything. I don't even fully know the things I think I know! I know that You are Almighty God, but my brain cannot fathom all You have planned for me. I pray that I will bend to Your will in complete trust, knowing one thing for certain: You are faithful and trustworthy. You are with me wherever I go, and You have overcome death. I have nothing to fear. Thank You Lord, for Your presence in my life and for Your peace. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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