Friday, May 6, 2011

John 17, Part 2

Scripture: John 17:6-11

Observation: Jesus now prays more specifically for His disciples. These men have proven themselves faithful - they have kept God's word (v.6). They also believe in Jesus, believe He is the Messiah sent by God, and have received Him. Though there is much they don't know yet, including what is to come (death and resurrection), still they have faith and obey their Lord. Jesus prays for these who have accepted Him, not for the world who have rejected Him, because He knows they need God's protection. Jesus will soon leave, but these, His disciples, must stay in the world.

Application: These words should be an encouragement to believers today. Even without knowing what was to come, these disciples put their faith in Jesus because they realized He was the Christ, and that was all they needed to know at that moment. Because of their faith Jesus accepted them as His own, given to Him by His Father. We too are given to Christ by our Heavenly Father when we accept Him as our personal Savior, recognizing Jesus as the Only way to the Father, sent by the Father and One with the Father. We don't need to know everything to be accepted, just this basic truth. Jesus continues to reveal Himself once we take that first step.

Prayer: Father, it is wonderful to know Jesus, and to know You have given us a Savior who prayed for His disciples. It's a gift to us! The greatest moment of my life has been recognizing Jesus as the Truth, and the Only way to You. I know my life doesn't always reflect that knowledge because I let the day-to-day distractions get to me, but I do know one thing for certain: Jesus is Alive, He died for me, and He is the Only way to salvation. As long as I keep focused on that truth, I will always find my way to You. Thank You for Jesus. It is in my Savior's Mighty Name I pray, Amen.

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