Friday, June 8, 2012

Genesis 30

Scripture:  Genesis 30:25-43

Observation:  Jacob decides it's time to return to his homeland with his family, and let's Laban know he is leaving.  Laban doesn't want this to happen; Jacob is a hard worker, and Laban realizes that the Lord has blessed him through Jacob, so he doesn't want to lose him.  He offers to give Jacob whatever wages he wants to keep him, but Jacob asks only as wages the spotted and speckled sheep and goats and the black sheep.  Laban agrees, but separates the male and female sheep and goats.  Jacob takes specific sticks which he strips and put them in front of the watering troughs.  The animals would come to drink, would also mate, and the offspring would be speckled and spotted.  Jacob made sure the sticks were only there when the stronger animals came to drink.  It caused Jacob to have strong, healthy animals, while Laban's were all weak and feeble.

Application:  Laban was selfish and deceptive.  God blessed Laban only because of Jacob, and when Laban tried to deceive Jacob, God blessed Jacob alone.  God will not bless covetousness, nor deceit.  It is an important lesson to learn.

Prayer:  Father, I don't want to behave in any way that would bring dishonor to you, whether it's on purpose or by accident.  Keep me on the straight path, not the deceptive one.  Teach me to be content with all You give me, because You give me all that I need.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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