Friday, June 22, 2012

Genesis 32

Scripture:  Genesis 32:22-32

Observation:  Jacob prepares for his encounter with his brother.  He sends his wives and children across the stream along with his possessions, and stays behind alone.  A Man shows up and wrestles with Jacob all night long.  Jacob refused to give up, so the Man knocks Jacob's hip out of joint.  Still Jacob will not let go.  The Man tells Jacob, "Let me go, for the day has broken." (v.26), but Jacob won't let go until the Man blesses him. The Man changes Jacob's name to Israel, because he'd wrestled with God and prevailed.  Jacob asks the Man His name, but the Man says, "Why is it that you ask My name?" and then blesses Jacob (v.29).  Jacob names the place Peniel, because he has seen God face to face and not died.  He is left with a limp, though, from having his hip knocked out of its socket.

Application:  Jacob figured out that this was no ordinary man when his hip got knocked out of whack.  When we realize that God is listening to our prayers, like Jacob we need to take hold of Him and not let go until we receive the blessing we are asking for.  God sees our faith when we remain in constant prayer.

Prayer:  Father, I know You hear my prayers.  I know You listen and answer, because I've experienced Your faithfulness.  At times I try to take matters into my own hands instead of trusting in You first.  This is an error on my part, because I know You can bless me if I just ask You to.  I ask now for Your blessing upon my life, upon my family, upon my home and my church.  I trust in You to take care of me, and I believe in Your promises for me.  Thank You for all You do.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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