Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Luke 20, Part 2

Scripture: Luke 20:9-19

Observation: The Parable of the Wicked Tenants. Jesus tells the scribes and Pharisees the parable of a vineyard owner (God) who leases his vineyard to tenants (the nation of Israel). Servants (prophets) are sent to see if the vineyard bears fruit, but these servants are beaten and sent away. So the vineyard owner sends his son (Jesus), but the evil tenants plot and kill him. The only course of action is for the vineyard owner to destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others (Gentiles). The crowd, understanding Jesus' words, deny the possibility of this and shout, "Heaven forbid!" (v.16). But Jesus quotes Psalm 118:22 - "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" - and tells them the cornerstone will crush them all. The chief priests and scribes realize Jesus is speaking out against them. They want to arrest Him, but fear the people.

Application: Rejection of Jesus is futile. He is the Rock of Salvation, raised from the dead, and anyone who stands against Him will fall. Those who are on His side will receive as their prize eternal life with the Father. Seems like a simple choice, doesn't it? Yet many still choose to turn their backs on Him, as the religious leaders did.

Prayer: Father, You give us a simple choice: life forever with You or eternal suffering away from You. The message is clear, yet many choose to ignore it. Others, though, have not yet heard. Show me the people who need to hear this truth from Your Word, and help me so that I may share it. It's the difference between eternal joy and eternal pain. In Christ Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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