Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Luke 22, Part 2

Scripture: Luke 22:7-38

Observation: Jesus prepares for the Passover. This is an understatement really; Jesus sends His disciples who find everything just as Jesus said they would, a room completely furnished, ready and waiting. Jesus has His last meal with His disciples, which He has eagerly desired (v.15). He knows this is the last time He will share this meal with His disciples until the kingdom promise is fulfilled. He then gives new instructions for celebrating the Lord's table: bread, which signifies His body broken for us, and wine, signifying His blood shed for us. We are to continue this in remembrance of Him. Jesus will sit at the table again, but only after He has purchased the church with His blood. Sadly, one of those He has trusted will betray Him, and he is sitting at the table with Jesus. As Jesus tells them a betrayer is among them, they argue over who is greater. Jesus tells them that it takes servitude to be great in the kingdom of God. There will be satanic attack, and Jesus warns Peter specifically, telling him He's praying for him. Peter assures Jesus of his alliance, promising to go to prison and die with the Lord, but Jesus knows Peter better than Peter knows himself - He warns that Peter will deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows.

Application: During this entire ordeal, God was in control. Jesus knew where the Passover meal was to be celebrated; all was ready for them. He was already praying for Peter who had not yet denied Him but would. He knew He was to be betrayed, but this was all part of God's ultimate plan. Before His arrest, Jesus shares this last supper with His disciples in which He tells them His body would be broken and His blood shed for their salvation. They didn't entirely get it, but we can. Jesus gave Himself as ransom for us, sinners. That is God's grace. And even though Peter promised not to deny Jesus, the Lord was praying for him, that his faith would not fail. This is our Savior, who would give His life for us and intercede for us. He asks us to be like Him; to serve others and pray for our faith and the faith of others. How can we not want to be like Him?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am humbled by Your Majesty and Your grace. You are my King and my Savior. You knew what was coming, what You would have to endure, yet for sinners like me You gave up Your life on the cross. Keep my faith strong, because my life is Yours, and I'm worthless without You. I bow down in awe and praise Your Holy Name, that name in which I pray, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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