Friday, September 25, 2009

Luke 23, Part 3

Scripture: Luke 23:13-25

Observation: Pilate now addresses not only the religious leaders but also "the people," the crowds that had defended Jesus in the past. He tells them that neither he nor Herod have found Jesus guilty of the charges brought against Him. Therefore, to calm the crowds and hopefully put a stop to Jesus's ministry, Pilate says he will have Jesus flogged and released. The flogging would be no easy matter: a whip with thorn-like teeth would be used, that would cut into the skin causing severe bleeding. But this was not acceptable to them. The crowd instead demands the release of Barabbas, an insurrectionist and murderer. Pilate is shocked and tries to convince them otherwise, but to no avail. They want Jesus dead. Pilate finally gives in, and turns Jesus over as they wished.

Application: Amazingly, the very crowds that protected Jesus in the past, that didn't allow the religious leaders access to Him, are the ones turning Him in now! In their fickleness they've turned their backs on their Savior. We see something similar today. Centuries ago this nation's forefathers left their homelands seeking religious freedom and founded this nation on Christian principles. Today, Christians are being chastized by the very government that was started to protect and uphold Christian laws and beliefs. We are seen as old-fashioned, intolerant, uncompromising. Standing up for our faith and what the founding fathers stood for is going against the current. But like Jesus, we must be strong, and turn to the One who will give us strength when the enemy attacks.

Prayer: Father, I lift up our government leaders to You; our President, Vice-President, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, all political leaders. Remind them who put them there and what their responsibility is. May they seek You in making wise decisions for our nation, putting justice before popularity. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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