Tuesday, December 1, 2009

John 6, Part 2

Scripture: John 6:25-29

Observation: The crowd finds Jesus, who is now on the other side of the sea, and they ask when He arrived there, as though He had secretly escaped them. Jesus sees their motive for seeking Him out, and He calls them on it. It isn't because of Jesus' signs or words that they've come after Him, but because He fed them. They are focused on being physically filled, but Jesus came that we may be spiritually filled. Jesus tells them to seek the food that doesn't spoil (v.27). This doesn't mean they shouldn't work for food; it's about getting their priorities straight. The physical life is temporary, while eternal life is what needs to be of highest value, and what should be strived for. "What must we do to do the works God requires?" they ask. Rather than telling them to obey laws, or do what is right, Jesus tells them what God's work entails: Believing in the One God sent.

Application: Why am I a Christian? Is it because God will bless me if I read my Bible everyday? Is it because He can do miracles in my life that no one else can? Or is it because I recognize that I'm a sinner, that on my own I cannot save myself? Have I realized and truly believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Perfect Lamb who gave His life sacrificially so that I may have a relationship with the Father and eternal life in heaven? If I'm a follower of Christ, I must believe in Him, otherwise I'm wasting my time.

Prayer: Father, many believe there are multiple roads that lead to heaven. I believe Jesus, Your own Son, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You sent Jesus, and Jesus is the only way to You. I believe there is no other way. Give me the courage to speak this truth to others, even when they don't want to hear it, or tell me I'm close-minded because I refuse to accept any alternates. You alone are God, and You alone decide who our Mediator is. You sent Him, and He is the only one by whom we may be saved. It is in His Precious Name, the name above all names, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.

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