Thursday, December 17, 2009

John 7, Part 4

Scripture: John 7:37-39

Observation: On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus cries out an invitation: "Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me, and let the one who believes in Me drink." (v.37, 38). To understand this, we need to know what was going on in the festival. Each day of the feast the priests would go to the pool of Siloam and draw water. They would take this to the temple, and a procession of priests would go around the altar chanting Psalm 113-118. Afterwards the water was poured out (see Isaiah 12:3). On the last day the procession would go around the altar seven times. It was on this seventh day that Jesus extended His invitation. However, the "water" Jesus was offering here was the Holy Spirit. Jesus was telling the people He can satisfy their thirst for God (see Psalm 63:1, 42:1-2). They could not receive the Spirit yet, though. This would take place after Jesus was glorified.

Application: Every single human being thirsts for God, whether they recognize it or not. It is part of our human nature to desire a relationship with God. Jesus offers water, living water, that can quench our thirst. When we receive Him and drink of Him, we are refreshed and renewed. Jesus extended this invitation to all, here and again in Revelation 22:17. It is a free gift from God. Yet many desire to relieve their thirst in other ways. What is the result? A thirst that never goes away, but instead gets worse and worse, until the soul dries up. How much better to drink (believe) and receive the water (Holy Spirit) that grace (our Heavenly Father) offers us!

Prayer: Father, You use water in Scripture to describe our thirst for You. The enemy wants us to believe that anything can quench our spiritual thirst, but the truth is, only You can. Help me to live a life that shows how You have refreshed me through the living water of the Holy Spirit. Spirit, use me to reach others with Your message of truth and freedom from thirst. It is Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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