Tuesday, December 8, 2009

John 6, Part 6

Scripture: John 6:60-71

Observation: Many of Jesus' disciples had trouble with what Jesus has just told them. They admitted the teaching was too difficult to accept (v.60). These were not strangers who were hearing Jesus for the first time; it was His disciples who were complaining. Jesus then told them if they were offended by these words they would certainly not understand His returning from where He'd come (v.61,62). His words are spirit and life (v.63), but many did not believe (v.64). Their hearts could not accept, therefore Jesus' teachings could not take root, and for this reason many chose to turn away from Him (v.66). Jesus now turned to the twelve, and asked they wanted to leave too (v.67). He put their hearts to the test, and Simon Peter responded for all: they recognized that Jesus' words are eternal life (v.68) and that He is the Holy One sent from God (v.69). Jesus acknowledged that He Himself chose them, but one of them, in His own inner circle, would betray Him.

Application: Jesus knew His message was a difficult one to hear. Yet He didn't water it down or make it "seeker sensitive". Jesus' teachings are sometimes hard to accept. He tells us adultery is not just a physical act but that lusting is equivalent to adultery. He tells us we must love our enemies and turn the other cheek. He tells us, "In this world you will have trouble." (John 16:33). Jesus never said being a Christian would be "fun". But He did promise a better life in the future, eternal life with the Father, if we believe and have faith in Him.

Prayer: Father, many preachers tell us what we want to hear, and we like having our ears tickled with lovely words and pretty pictures. But that's not reality. Teach me truth Lord, whether it's attractive or not, and help me live a life focused on You. When the teachings seem hard or I don't understand why my life turns out the way it does, remind me that You are in control and You see what is still invisible to me. My faith must always be firm in You, no matter what my circumstances are. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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