Wednesday, December 2, 2009

John 6, Part 3

Scripture: John 6:30-40

Observation: The crowds are willing to give Jesus a chance to prove who He is. They ask what works and signs He has, and compare it to their ancestors who ate manna in the desert. Jesus now focuses the attention on the fact that they must have faith in Him. "I am the bread of life," Jesus tells them (v.35). This is the interpretation He gives of feeding the 5,000, as God fed the Israelites in the desert. Unlike manna, though, Jesus Himself is the bread. The crowd doesn't understand. "Sir, give us this bread always," (v.34) indicates they're expecting something different. They're thinking of bread as sustenance; Jesus is offering eternal life. He explains that the bread sent from heaven gives life to the world (v.33), and He is that bread (v.35). In order to receive this bread and the benefits it gives, one must believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. That is God's will, and it is by His grace in our lives that we are saved.

Application: When God sent manna to the Jews in the desert, He was giving a sign of what was to come. Manna served to give life to the nation of Israel that otherwise would have starved; Jesus came that we may have life eternally through Him because our only other option is death and darkness far from Him. Had the Jews chosen not to eat the manna they would have perished for lack of food. Anyone who chooses to reject Jesus will also perish, for Jesus is the bread of life, and there is no other sustenance that can give us eternal life.

Prayer: Father, in these verses I can clearly see Your mercy and grace to humanity. As a loving Father You provide bread for Your children, but not just any kind of bread. You give us bread of life through Jesus. Help me to share this revelation of truth to everyone. It is the bread which takes away hunger and gives salvation! I pray all would reach out and take of this life giving bread. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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