Wednesday, May 12, 2010

John 14, Part 4

Scripture: John 14:22-31

Observation: Judas (not Iscariot) is confused; why would Jesus show Himself only to His disciples, instead of making a huge appearance that would convince the world He is the Messiah? But Jesus explains that those who keep His word will receive the love of the Father. God the Father sent His Son, so anyone who loves the Son is loved by the Father. Jesus realizes His disciples don't fully understand all He is telling them, so He promises to send the Holy Spirit to teach and remind them of all He has said (v.26). Jesus also gives His disciples another precious gift: His peace. This isn't to be understood as a ceasing of troubles; instead it is the peace that comes in knowing Jesus is with His disciples. Jesus displayed this peace even though He knew what was coming. His disciples would also experience this peace that comes from faith in Christ. Jesus tell His disciples these things in advance of what awaits Him, so that at the appropriate time they may believe (v.29). The prince of the world is coming, who has no hold on Jesus, but God's will must be done.

Application: Here we see how Jesus takes care of those who love Him: He sends the Holy Spirit to abide in them, and He gives them His peace. Without these, it would be difficult to continue in God's truths. The enemy, the prince of this world, attacks constantly to destroy our relationship with God as he did with Adam and Eve. But we have the Holy Spirit to instruct and guide us, and we have the Lord's peace, assuring us even in the worst circumstances that God is in control and our future in Him and with Him is secure.

Prayer: Father, the world can't understand Your peace. The world's view of peace is defeating the enemy, but we know our enemy is as good as defeated, since he cannot overpower or defeat You. This is my peace, Lord, the knowledge that no matter what the enemy does, You already have the victory, and I have victory in You. Thank You Lord Jesus for obeying and dying on the cross for my sins. May I live a life of victory, because the victory is Yours! In Your precious name Jesus I pray, Amen.

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