Thursday, May 13, 2010

John 15, Part 1

Scripture: John 15:1-6

Observation: Jesus speaks to His disciples with an allegory, a metaphor. Jesus says He is the true vine, the Father is the vinegrower, and the disciples are the branches. The significance is in the relationship each has with the other, primarily the fact that the disciple is totally dependent upon the vinegrower and the vine. Just as a vinegrower tends to his vines, so the Father tends to the true vine by removing branches that bear no fruit, and pruning those that do bear fruit so that they may be more fruitful (v.2). Jesus makes clear that the branch cannot survive separate from the vine (v.4), and to be able to bear fruit the branch must abide in the vine. It is not simply seeing the vine or knowing about the vine; the true disciple abides in the vine. Those that do not abide are gathered and thrown in the fire (v.6).

Application: Any gardener will confirm that, to keep a vine growing, branches must be tended. The dead ones are removed, but even the good branches are pruned to make them stronger. I know there are areas in my life that God needs to prune. My sinful nature is still with me, urging me in a different direction from the one God has prepared. So He takes out His scalpel and cuts away at the places that are preventing my spiritual growth. I admit I don't like it very much. I'd rather be left alone. But I also know this pruning is necessary to make me a woman after God's own heart, and will lead to a more productive and fruitful life.

Prayer: Father, much as I know the surgeries You perform in my heart and soul are needed for spiritual health, I hate going through the pain of admitting I even need You to work in me. Yet afterwards, when I see the results, I'm thankful for the work You've done. Please help me to accept Your pruning as coming from my loving Father, who never hurts me except to make me a better person, the woman You created me to be. In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

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