Thursday, May 20, 2010

John 15, Part 3

Scripture: John 15:18-25

Observation: Jesus explains the world's hatred to His disciples. Those who reject Him are referred to as "the world", the ones who want no part of Him. Jesus' disciples are not part of this world because they have not rejected Him, therefore they are hated (v.18-19). The world hated Jesus first (v.18) and the disciples must expect the same treatment, as they are not greater than their Master (v.20). Therefore the disciples would be persecuted because of the name of Jesus (v.21). By rejecting Jesus Christ, the world has also rejected the Father (v.23). What the world doesn't realize, is that rejection of Jesus makes them guilty of sin; Jesus has shown us the Father by His words and miracles, therefore there is no valid excuse for denying His identity (v.22,24). The Lord is not surprised by the world's actions; it is to fulfill Scripture (v.25).

Application: Jesus' words are meant to encourage us in times of our own rejection. There are different levels of persecution - we know Christians who are suffering physically because of the Gospel, while others are oppressed by family and friends, mocked and teased or called intolerant because of their stand for Christ. We can take heart when these things happen, because Jesus experienced it too. We are not greater than our Lord, therefore we can expect to be treated no better than He. We should be honored to suffer for the name of Jesus.

Prayer: Father, You know the troubles I face. No, I'm not in a country that prohibits worship of You, as many of my Christian brothers and sisters. Still, there are those who want to see me give up what they consider my "craziness" or "silliness". I know to expect this, though it still hurts when loved ones reject You. Help me to be patient, and to pray for those who would quiet me. May I show them the same love and compassion You have shown to me. In Christ Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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