Tuesday, May 18, 2010

John 15, Part 2

Scripture: John 15:7-17

Observation: Jesus goes deeper into His explanation of abiding in Him. First, Jesus explains that He will abide in those who keep His commands (v.10). Obedience to God's commands and doing God's will is necessary, and it guarantees that God will hear our prayers and answer them (v.7). Next, Jesus says His disciples must love one another (v.12). This is not any kind of love; it is a sacrificial love, as Jesus has for His disciples (v.13). Jesus then refers to His disciples with a new name. Jesus no longer calls His disciples servants, He calls them His friends (v.15). This doesn't mean that Jesus' followers no longer have to obey Him. It means the relationship is more intimate. Unlike a slave/master relationship, where there is no love or intimacy, Jesus' relationship to His disciples is one of friendship, of love and sharing. Jesus has kept nothing hidden; He has made everything known (v.15).

Application: The idea of obedience is not typically a pleasant one. We think of obedience as following rules and having to do what others want instead of what we want. Obedience means loss of freedom, right? Wrong. Obedience to a God of love means experiencing the greatest freedom. It means experiencing God's goodness, His grace, and joy. Jesus loves as His Father loves. He commands us to do the same. When we do, we are in communion with God the Father, His Son, His Holy Spirit, and all His disciples. It is a love that is divine.

Prayer: Father, each day I experience Your love, and I'm amazed at the great love You have for me. I am a sinner, another of many on this earth. I am not worthy of Your grace. Yet still the sun shines for me; still You provide food, water, and shelter daily. As if that weren't enough, You give many things I don't really need just to make my life more pleasant. May I never stop loving You or take Your blessings for granted. Help me to love others with the love You have. May those around me see You in me. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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