Thursday, August 27, 2009

Luke 19, Part 2

Scripture: Luke 19:11-27

Observation: The Parable of the Ten Pounds. Jesus is teaching His disciples a lesson on stewardship, and what they must do after His departure, until His return. In the parable a man leaves to seek his kingdom. He leaves three slaves with money to do business with while he's gone. Upon his return, the first 2 slaves have used the money to make more money, but the third hid his portion for fear of his master. Enraged, the master takes away the money the third slave has and gives it to the first, the one who made him the most money, because he proved to be responsible with the portion he'd received. There were others, too, those citizens who didn't want the nobleman to rule over them. Those, Jesus said, would be slaughtered in His presence (v.27).

Application: When we have true faith, it is revealed in our faithfulness first. If we don't truly believe in what Jesus has done, we'll grumble and call Him a taskmaster, as the third slave did. But if we believe, we will use what the Lord has blessed us with to serve others. This will prepare us for more service. Commendation and more service follow faithfulness - am I ready to receive?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Great is Your faithfulness, Oh God! You are faithful to forgive, faithful to provide, faithful to hear our prayers and answer them. I want to be faithful too. Use me for Your kingdom, Lord. You have given me gifts and talents; show me how to use them for Your glory. May I remain faithful all my days. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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