Wednesday, October 7, 2009

John 1, Part 2

Scripture: John 1:6-13

Observation: John the Baptist is described in this first summary chapter as being sent from God to testify to the Light, though he himself was not the light. John the Baptist had a purpose: to preach to the world and give testimony of the light that was coming into the world. It's noteworthy that while verse 11 says, "He came to what was His own," salvation would be available to all because He came into the world. Verse 11 continues, "and His own people did not accept Him." He was unknown to them. Those that did accept Him, verse 12 says, He gave power (authority) to become children of God. How? Verse 13 says it is not by the will of man, but by the will of God.

Application: How do we become born again believers? Verse 13 says it is by God's will; we can only be born again by His grace. But verse 12 makes it clear that this happens to those who receive Him. Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are given the power to become children of God. There is no other way, no other medium in which to be a part of God's family, than to believe in Jesus Christ and receive Him. Jesus is the only way God has provided us. That is His will; we need not question it.

Prayer: Father, in Your mercy and grace You sent Your son as redemption for our sins. Many today say all roads lead to heaven, and as long as people live a "good" life it is sufficient for You. But Your Word is clear: it is through faith in Jesus Christ that we are received as Your children. This is the one and only provision You have given, and one I appreciate with all my heart. Blessed be my Savior who died for me that I might live. In His Precious Name I pray, Amen.

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