Thursday, October 8, 2009

John 1, Part 3

Scripture: John 1:14-18

Observation: The Word became flesh. These words seem simple enough, but what they convey is mind-boggling. He who created the world we live in, left His heavenly realm to dwell among us. He was not just any flesh; John says in Him we see glory. The Bible here calls Jesus God's only Begotten Son (Grk. monogenes, meaning one of a kind). This does not indicate only child or even oldest son, as Isaac was also described as such in Hebrews 11:17. It refers to a very special relationship, unique, as Jesus' relation is to the Father. The glory that we see in Jesus, then, is God revealing Himself through His Son who is full of grace and truth (compare with Exodus 33:19, 34:5-6). "No one has seen God, " John says (v.18), though in the Old Testament we read of visions of God. The difference was in the way He was seen. No one had seen God through their physical eyes; He was seen through rational vision (perception through rational thought) and spiritual vision (as aided by the Holy Spirit). Now Jesus, the Son who is close to the Father's heart, appeared to make His Father known to us.

Application: The incarnation gave us a limited vision of God's glory, because in our human sight we cannot see or apprehend God. But even then the religious leaders did not "see" Him, did not recognize His deity, because they were limiting their vision. They did not allow the Holy Spirit to show them Jesus' true self; instead they closed their eyes to the truth. To see Him we must have faith. We must believe. It is then that He is revealed to our minds and our hearts.

Prayer: Father, so many people reject You because they don't understand You. But is it even possible to ever fully understand You? We don't even comprehend the world we live in, how it works and continues to work, how then can we understand its Creator? Just because my mind can't understand, doesn't mean You don't exist. Help those that are blinded to see you with the eyes of the heart, with understanding of Your Word and with faith. Life is so empty without You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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