Monday, October 5, 2009

Luke 24, Part 3

Scripture: Luke 24:36-53

Observation: The disciples are all together discussing the appearances of Jesus to some of them, when suddenly Jesus is among them. "Peace be with you," He says, but peace is far from them. They still haven't fully grasped what has occurred, and think they're seeing a ghost. Jesus assures them that it is He: He shows them the scars on His hands and feet, that He is flesh and blood, not a hallucination. To further prove He is alive, He asks for food and eats. Obviously Jesus is really alive and among them. He then "opens their minds to understand the Scripture," (v.45): Jesus Himself is the fulfillment of the Scriptures. Now comes the mission: for 3 1/2 years Jesus prepared His disciples, so that they could go out and continue His work. What work is that? Proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation. It is a call to repentance, forgiveness of sin, and the opportunity to have a close intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. As Jesus leaves to take His throne, the disciples are left joyful in worship and blessing.

Application: Since that day all Jesus' disciples are part of that mission. Taking the Gospel to all parts of the world is necessary, as each person's salvation is dependent on their knowing and accepting Christ as their personal Savior. Is it alone that we take on this task? No, Jesus assured us that we would have the Holy Spirit to guide and protect us. We must depend on Him and not our own strength or knowledge.

Prayer: Father, what a wonderful ending to this Gospel, yet it isn't really the end. The Gospel still needs to be preached all over the world. Lord, continue to use me in any capacity that I'm needed, for Your glory and for the salvation of Your people. Till all the world hears. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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