Friday, October 2, 2009

Luke 24, Part 2

Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

Observation: On the Road to Emmaus. Two disciples are travelling together towards the village of Emmaus. The Bible tells us one of their names, Cleopas. As they walk they discuss all that has happened in the last 3 days. A new companion joins them, one they do not recognize but Luke tells us is Jesus. He asks what they're talking about. Cleopas is shocked. "Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?" he asks. But Jesus has not yet revealed Himself, and asks what events they speak of. Cleopas describes everything about Jesus, His life, crucifixion, and the women who found the empty tomb. They know the tomb to be empty but can't explain it. But Jesus rebukes them and using Scripture explains why all these things had to take place. The disciples invite the Stranger to stay with them. They sit to eat together, and when the disciples see Jesus break the bread and bless it, they have their eyes opened and they recognize the Lord. Jesus quickly disappears, but His disciples know He's alive. It all makes sense now. They run to advise the others, only to find Jesus has been appearing to many. It is true - He is Risen!

Application: With Jesus' death, His disciples thought their hope was lost. But it wasn't! Jesus was and is Alive! Their hope and faith were revived again. How many times in our life don't things turn out differently than we'd hoped or imagined, and we believe all lost? Yet God's plans aren't thwarted. Hindsight being 20/20, we later see that all circumstances work out just as God plans. We can't lose faith just because things move differently from what we think is right. God is in control. It'll all work out in the end.

Prayer: Father, at times I expect a certain ending, based on a storyline that I've written in my mind, but life isn't about what I think is right. Help me to see Your hand when things seem to be going wrong, and keep my faith strong. I trust You know what You're doing, and the ending will be fitting, according to Your purpose. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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