Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Luke 2, Part 2

Scripture: John 2:12-22

Observation: The next revelation of Jesus was done in a very public setting: the temple. As Jesus sees the temple turned from a place of worship into a marketplace, He makes a whip out of cords and chases out the money changers. This shows His authority in His Father's house. The disciples recognize that Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11 both speak of His love for the temple which had become a den of robbers. His opponents, however, are not perceptive of this. They ask for a sign, why He has done this. Jesus responds enigmatically; He tells them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (v.19). The Jews, of course, think Jesus refers to the building they're in. They are incredulous, as the temple has taken 46 years to build and is still under construction. Destroying and rebuilding would be impossible. But Jesus was referring to His own body as temple, a point lost at that moment by His own disciples but remembered upon His resurrection.

Application: Not everything Jesus said was understood at the moment, by either His opponents or His disciples. The difference was that His opponents just questioned but didn't listen. The disciples chose to be silent and wait. Because of this faithfulness, the disciples were able, in time, to understand Jesus' words and be blessed. The opposers continued in their blindness and missed out on the greatest event in history - the coming of the Messiah.

Prayer: Father, I still have so much to learn. I'm encouraged when I'm told that I've helped someone see something in Scripture, or that I'm wise. But I never want to be in a place where I take credit for what I've learned, or that I don't need to continue learning. Give me a heart that yearns for Your Word even in my old age. May I always desire to reach out to You with a humble attitude. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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