Monday, January 11, 2010

John 8, Part 3

Scripture: John 8:21-30

Observation: Jesus again tries speaking to the Jews. He tells them they will die in their sins and cannot go where He is going. Since Jesus is the Way (14:6) and they've chosen to reject Him, they cannot go to the Father and therefore must die in their sin. The Jews, however, don't or won't understand Jesus' words, and instead think He speaks of suicide. Jesus tells them He is from above, not of this world. In doing so He is revealing that He has come from God and is God present among them. Unless they believe in who He is, they will die in their sin (v.24). So they ask Him, "Who are You?" (v.25). Of course they've asked this before but their hearts have been unwilling to receive, therefore Jesus tells them there is much about them to condemn. (v.26). They will recognize Him when they have "lifted Him up" (v.28), referring to His death at their hands. That is when their hearts will be revealed as acceptors or rejectors of Christ.

Application: We are all separated from God because of our sin. No one can claim to be without sin (Romans 3:23). Jesus came so that we may have fellowship once again with the Father. He took on the burden of our sin, which alienated us from God, and paid in full the price for our redemption. When we reject Christ, we reject His payment and are responsible before God for our transgressions. Since no human can pay the lofty price for their own sin, anyone who does not believe in Jesus will die in their own sin. The choice is clear - accept Jesus and live, or reject Him, and die.

Prayer: Father, You are truly generous to provide Jesus as payment for our sins. Your lovingkindness is without measure. Help me to share this joyful hope with others. This tremendous bill for our sins can be paid by no other. May the Lord Jesus Christ be forever praised! For it is in His Holy name I pray, Amen.

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