Wednesday, January 13, 2010

John 9, Part 1

Scripture: John 9:1-7

Observation: Jesus and His disciples come upon a man blind from birth. The disciples ask Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (v.2). Jewish teaching held that diseases and handicaps were the result of sin. However, they were divided when it came to the issue of persons handicapped from birth. Some attributed affliction to the sins of the parents; others believed fetuses were guilty of sin and were the cause of their own disability. Jesus pins the blame on neither, but instead tells them the purpose of his blindness: "so that God's works might be revealed in him." (v.3). Jesus also tells His disciples that this work must be done "while it is day" (v.4), and that as long as He is in the world He is the light (v.5). It is a forewarning of what is to come. At this time, though, Jesus does something which appears unusual: He spits on the ground, makes mud, and smears it on the man's eyes. Not so unusual, when we remember that God fashioned man "from the dust of the ground" (Genesis 2:7). The blind man is told to wash in the Pool of Siloam (v.7) which means sent, as he was sent by Jesus. Once the man obeys, he receives his sight.

Application: We love to wallow in the grief of our suffering, questioning why it is that we must suffer. Suffering is a result of our own sin. Yet it is something else - it is an opportunity to experience God's grace. The blind man received not only physical sight when he was healed; he received spiritual sight, which may not have been possible otherwise. Rather than throw ourselves a pity party whenever we experience suffering, we need to seek God more intimately and allow Him to use this suffering for His Glory. We will never suffer more than Jesus did. He will give us the strength to persevere.

Prayer: Father, I admit I don't like to suffer. I don't want to suffer. But I also recognize that my suffering tests and strengthens my faith. I ask that You use my suffering for Your glory; my pain to fulfill Your purpose. May I shine as a light to those around me when, even in my lowest times, I put my faith in You. In Christ Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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