Wednesday, January 20, 2010

John 9, Part 4

Scripture: John 9:18-23

Observation: So beyond the understanding of the Pharisees is the possibility God would heal on the sabbath, they now believe the man who claimed to have been blind was never blind at all! To prove this, they call his parents in for interrogation. They ask if this is their son, if he was indeed born blind, and if so, how did he regain his sight (v.19)? The parents verify his identity and that he was born blind, however they say they do not know how or by whom he has been granted sight (v.21). They tell the Pharisees to ask their son how this has taken place. Their reason? They are afraid of confessing Jesus and being put out of the temple (v.22).

Application: These parents must have felt joy at seeing their son healed from blindness. In a culture that would have blamed their sins for their child's misfortune, having him healed could potentially clear them of wrongdoing. They should have been praising God for this miracle. Instead, they buckled down under the pressure of the religious leaders, and rather than confess Jesus as their son's healer, they turned around and played ignorant. How many times don't we do this too! We know the miracles God has done in our lives, yet when the opportunity to share it comes, we stay quiet for fear of being called crazy, a religious fanatic, a Jesus freak. Rather than praise God for His miracles, we run, scared of what others might think of us. Remember, we have only One audience that matters! It's what He sees that counts, because He can see our hearts.

Prayer: Father, my testimony can help many people. Remind me of this any and every time the opportunity to share it comes along. Some won't care to hear it; but there's always someone who may benefit. Since I don't know who that someone is, I must share with everyone. Give me courage and the right words to speak at the right time. May it be for Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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