Monday, January 18, 2010

John 9, Part 3

Scripture: John 9:13-17

Observation: The people bring the formerly blindman to the Pharisees, since this is such an unusual occurance which they cannot explain. It was probably their hope that the religious leaders could shed light on this miracle. Sadly, the Pharisees are more focused on the fact that the healing took place on the sabbath, than on the miracle itself. The Pharisees are divided on the issue: some believe He cannot be from God because He doesn't observe the sabbath. Others insist a sinner could not perform such signs (v.16). They then turn to the man himself and ask his opinion, since he is the one who has been healed. The man answers, "He is a prophet" (v.17).

Application: Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! Jesus is doing amazing things which some Pharisees rightly credit to God Himself. Others, however, can't take their eyes off the fact that these miracles are being done on the sabbath. Rather than see God's goodness and grace, they focus on rules and regulations, twisting the law till it no longer resembles what God intended. Do we do this? Do we twist God's word to fit what we believe to be right? Or do we seek to be like Jesus, showing love and compassion? Do we set our eyes on everything that's wrong with the world, with the church, with our families and our lives, or do we choose to focus on the good, and on giving testimony of Jesus in our lives?

Prayer: Father, this is something I know I struggle with. I look at everything with a negative eye instead of looking at people and circumstances thru Your eyes. Your Word says that in everything You work for the good of those who love You (Romans 8:28). Help me to see the good, even in that which doesn't appear to be so. In Christ Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the teaching today. On your other blog you don't have a good way to make comments the way you do on this one. I enjoyed reading your daybook. The picture was great! God bless you, Doylene
