Thursday, January 14, 2010

John 9, Part 2

Scripture: John 9:8-12

Observation: The crowd, who has known the blind beggar for years, now don't recognize him. Some actually think it's someone who looks like the blind man but is not the man himself (v.9). This despite the fact that he keeps telling them, "I am the man." Once it's established that this indeed is the man they suppose him to be, they ask the obvious question, "Then how were your eyes opened?" (v.10). The man recounts what Jesus has done for him step by step. When the crowd asks where Jesus is, the man honestly answers, "I do not know." (v.12).

Application: This was unbelievable to the crowd - a man born blind suddenly receives his sight. So unbelievable that many refused to believe it was the same man! But that's the beauty of Jesus' healing power: it can transform someone to where they are unrecognizable. We sometimes look at people through our flawed human eyes and think, "That poor person is a prisoner of his/her sin. He/She is (fill in the blank: an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, living an immoral life, a thief, a chronic liar, etc.). Can this person ever change?" But Jesus here shows that He can correct even what seems impossible to remedy. His power is unlimited, and we would be wrong to set parameters for what Jesus can or cannot do.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your power to change lives is beyond our human comprehension. That's why at times we think that things are impossible, because we can't fathom what we don't understand. But that is not how You operate. Your power is limitless, and You can bring healing and change to anyone who seeks You. Please help me to take Your message of hope to all without judgment. If I believe in You, then I must believe You can do all things for all people. It is in Your Holy name I pray, Amen.

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